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The Three Obsessions of a Principal / Academic Leader

This series is specifically for the person in charge of the academics at your school (Principal/Head of School, Director of Learning, Division Head), or those considering entering an academic leadership role. 

Most Academic Leaders pursue the priorities that were modeled to them by former Academic Leaders. The list includes curriculum, student discipline and grading, programmatic issues, as well as teaching their own class(s). 

But what if the core roles and priorities that have been modeled for you are all wrong? What if we told you that by realigning your priorities and time toward the real difference makers these other things would fall into place? What if someone showed you a different path that led to satisfied teachers, happy parents and students, and a full school? Would you be interested?

If so, then this series is for you . . . 

November 4th 3.00p.m. EST

Obsession #1 – Keep Your Parents Happy

You have a proactive role as Academic Leader in keeping parents, your second most important constituency, happy. One of the great ironies of the teaching field is that your teachers are not adequately equipped and supported to develop positive relationships with parents. While you and they talk about “partnering with parents”, what is the basis of that strong and respectful relationship? This webinar unlocks the secrets of bonding, communicating, and partnering with parents.

November 11th, 3.00p.m. EST

Obsession #2 – Make Your Teachers Better

You can give the most meticulously crafted curriculum to a weak faculty culture and it will never be implemented effectively, much less result in student learning. You can give no curriculum to a strong faculty culture and they will create and live an engaging curriculum that drives student learning! Learn strategies to help you stop spending so much time with books and rubrics and invest in efforts in leading teachers toward the path of excellence. 

November 18th, 3.00p.m. EST

Obsession #3 – Get & Maintain Full Classrooms

Your Family Relationships Manager (if you have one) cannot create “the energy” that drives your school’s enrollment. They can organize “it”, market “it”, but only your teachers can create that energy. This webinar shows how the Academic Leader influences enrollment & retention and fills classrooms. 

Christian School Finances for Principals and Finance Committee Members

This series is specifically for you as Principal or member of the Finance Committee member including the Chair. You may have little to no background in finances. You may be a CPA but have little to no acquaintance with the Christian school industry. 

It is pretty typical for finance advisers to be focused on the bottom line. Does it all add up? Are we balanced? How much can we afford to raise tuition? What are our financial priorities? Where can we trim or cut costs? These are good items to always have on the list. CSM starts from a different place: what does it mean to be a Christian budget?

What if we told you that there is a lot that is counterintuitive about Christian school finances? That treating it first as a moral document results in better metrics than starting with the “bottom line”? That your school can be prosperous in sacred time? That understanding your own role is much more satisfying within a strategic framework?

If so, then this series is for you . . . 

November 2nd  3.00p.m. EST

Christian School Finances: Everything You Wanted to Know About Income

Here we examine the three kinds of income a school can have. We look for the story behind the lines to understand the moral framework for both income and discounts to income i.e. financial aid. What can we learn from these lines and what metrics predict tactical and strategic success or failure?

November 9th, 3.00p.m. EST

Christian School Finances: Everything You Wanted to Know About Expenses

Expenses, like income, have a story to tell. What are the three buckets of expenses that drive the budget? How do they differ from each other and what control do you have over them? What is the relationship of the operating budget to the delivery of the school’s mission to its children?

November 23rd, 3.00p.m. EST

Christian School Finances: Key Performance Indicators

The budget has to be passed by the Board of Trustees. But unless you have really cross-examined the accounts, something we expect the Finance Committee to do, how can you vote with confidence for or against the budget? It turns out that there are key metrics that Trustees without financial background can look at in order to make a considered decision. Come and find out what they are!

November 16th, 3.00p.m. EST

Christian School Finances: Everything You Wanted to Know About Tuition Setting

Is tuition setting a backward looking process? What can parents afford or not afford? What questions do we need to ask? Why is tuition setting the most difficult meeting the school’s Board of Trustees has every year? Come and be comforted that there is an answer to answer each question and that the budget meeting can become a meeting of excitement rather than stress.

Scheduling: Sacred Time and Children as Creatures of God

Give me your schedule and I’ll tell you what your mission is! Academic leaders, school leaders, schedulers, teachers are all interested in the allocation of time and how it meets varied and often competing goals. However, it should be the mission that drives what happens in the child’s life.

So does your schedule tell you what you are going to do or does your mission inform how the schedule is created? We all want our children to be successful. Not only is scheduling a key piece of that success, it is the cheapest innovation / change that you can implement in your school.  Come and see how you might make children happier and more effective learners in your school!

November 3rd, 3.00p.m. EST

Scheduling: The Four Outcomes in Christian Schools 

Scheduling can sometimes look like an exercise in time allotment. CSM’s approach starts somewhere else entirely. Because we are putting together a “Christian” schedule, we have to ask what the implications of that are. What are the Christian outcomes that should derive from an excellent schedule design?. Come and find out!

November 10th, 3.00p.m. EST

Scheduling: The Difference between the Short and the Long Period 

Many Christian schools are using a traditional 8 period day with periods of between 38 and 45 minutes. Others are trying a mix of the traditional period and a longer period. Some are using only long periods. One division might use a different length of period than another division. Does it matter? Yes! Hugely! Come and find out why.

November 24th, 3.00p.m. EST

Scheduling: Your Schedule is Unique – Examples from the Field 

How many schedules are there? Two? Three? Four? In this section of scheduling, we explore a few examples from the multitude of schedules that are currently being used across North America. Coming to this course will expand the range of possibilities for your own school and help you to wonder what your own unique schedule might look like. 

November 17th, 3.00p.m. EST

Scheduling: What is Unstructured Play and Why Does It Matter?

There is rightly focus on schools achieving excellent academic results. In public education, that has often meant a narrowing of the curriculum and an increase in classroom time at the expense of, for example, recess. Does this make sense when we consider how God created us? What do our bodies and minds need? What if, counterintuitively, all this extra academic time is making our children LESS effective? 


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