The CSM Strategic Health Check considers your Christian school from top to bottom through the lens of Scripture, research, and experience. You provide us with quantitative and qualitative data about your school and we use CSM tools – Key Performance Indicators – to analyze and dissect where your school is in its Life-Cycle. Each area of the school is reviewed from finance to Board Leadership to family relations to philanthropy to your facilities and schedule. We can also provide a special emphasis on a particular component if you wish.
Our two consultants then visit the school for a week in which time they talk to key stakeholders – children, teachers, professional and volunteer leaders, parents – and add that data to the CSM Survey data. The consultants then write a comprehensive report that holds you accountable to your mission, provides key recommendations to drive and sustain enrollment, provides hope for the next generation of children, offers measurable results, and gives you a clear picture of your systems, processes, key metrics, and culture that lead to transformation.
A four hour presentation is made to the Board and Principal and key leaders. A written report is left behind to infuse further conversation and, potentially, strategic planning and strategic financial management.
Cost: 2.25 average tuitions for a data analysis and five-day onsite visit with two consultants present to provide deep and rich insight.
Ongoing (optional) cost: .25 tuitions for executive coaching for the Principal/Head of School over the first six months after the visit. This gives your Principal strong value in understanding, interpreting, and utilizing the Report.
Note: all costs are CSM member prices.
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