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Simon Jeynes, CSM Senior Consultant, Executive Coach, and Executive Director


Simon is co-founder and Executive Director of Christian School Management. CSM’s mission is For Jesus; Through Mission; With Students. Simon is passionate about ensuring that every seat in every Christian school is full and that every student in those seats is having a joyful, transformative experience. 

He consults onsite and online with Christian schools across North America. He writes Entheos (the free CSM weekly advice and counsel letter), and works to extend God’s kingdom by coaching and training other Christian school leaders to transform the Christian School Movement. 

Since co-founding CSM, Simon has worked with Christian schools in strategic health checks, strategic planning, strategic financial management, strategic academic planning, scheduling, management structure analysis, mission review, school by-law review, enrollment recovery, inbound and word-of-mouth marketing, Board retreats, Executive Coaching, and website content review and development. 

From 1977 – 2003, Simon carried out his vocation in Christian schools in Alberta and Ontario, Canada. He was a teacher, administrator, Headmaster, and school founder. He worked in residential, day, single-sex, co-ed, K-12 schools. He was a finalist in Canada’s Excellence in Teaching History Award. 

From 2003 – 2017, Simon was a Senior Consultant for Independent School Management (ISM), an international research-based consulting company. In that context, he worked in five countries and in over 150 schools. He was a lead writer and author for ISM’s publications including being a major contributor to Ideas and Perspectives.

He continues to keynote, speak, and lead workshops at educational conferences that have included PNAIS, ERB, VAIS, AMS, CASE (2010, 2016 Stellar Speaker), ISAS, NJAIS, ACSI, CAIS, AISNE, NCAIS, ASB Un-Plugged, SAES, FCIS, CSI, LLI, CBOA, LEA, US Play Coalition, CESA, MACSA, IACS, Heartland Christian Schools, the Bluewater Conference. He partnered with ACSI as part of their LeadershipU Program for two years. He taught one class on Christian School Finances for Dordt University and really enjoyed it! 

Simon earned his MA from the University of Oxford (School of Modern History), his BEd (Hons.) from the University of Lethbridge, and his MEd (Educational Leadership) from Concordia University. As a believer in life-long learning, he:

  • has taken graduate and other courses from Prairie Bible Institute, Athabasca University, and the University of Western Ontario
  • attended the Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, NC, and is certified to carry out/coach 360° Assessments; participated in the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School; trained in De Bono Six Hats/Creative Thinking, Susan Scott’s Fierce Conversations, Kiersey’s Temperament Sorter; Key Principles of Servant Leadership from the Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership

As a professional writer, Simon has written three books for CSM:

  1. A Call to Authentic School Trusteeship: The CSM Christian School Trustee Handbook (2017)
  2. Stewards of Transformation: the Board President / School Head Partnership (2018)
  3. Enrollment and Christian Schools: Extending God’s Kingdom (2020)

He co-authored a 4th book – The CSM Christian School Leader’s Devotional: A Journey of Challenge, Comfort, and Transformation (2019). He is currently working on The Stewardship of Sacred Time: Scheduling for Christian School Students.

Mr. Jeynes is married with four children, two dogs, a bird, and many bird feeders. He is delighted that three of his children are now at university. He attends The Gathering Place and occasionally preaches there. 

He is proud to be a dual Canadian / American citizen. 

20 Kyle Drive PO Box 1722, Ridgetown, Ontario, Canada N0P                                        text (519) 401 2351

[email protected]                         christianschoolmanagement.org

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