Simon Jeynes, CSM Executive Director, takes us from Sacred Time to Koinonia on a journey that challenges us to interrogate our practices that lead to high or low student performance, good or bad student behavior. We are responsible for what our children learn in our schools. And 90% of student misbehavior comes from the situations that adults put children in. Schedule doesn’t solve all problems but it’s the lowest cost strategic driver that you as a Christian school leader have in order to make a significant difference. It can change teacher culture; it can radically change the student experience; it can enhance learning and help children behave well. Rettig and Canady write in their book Scheduling Strategies for Middle School: “school scheduling is far more important to the success of an instructional program than the simple mechanical assignment of students to teachers and classes to spaces. Within the school schedule resides power: the power to address problems, the power to facilitate the successful implementation of programs, and the power to institutionalize effective instructional practices. As well, those who design the school schedule also have the power to create confusion, to waste resources, and to cause unnecessary stress for client groups” (p. xvii). Come and learn how to use your power from a Christian biblical standpoint in order to benefit your children! COVID 19 is providing us with an opportunity to examine practice and make changes before we hopefully open again in the fall.
Cost: $10.00 for members; $30.00 for non-members
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