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The Revolution Webinar: Giving Them Back Their Childhood: Student Stress and Unstructured Time

May 12, 2020 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Bill Simmer, CSM Senior Consultant, shows how we have witnessed dramatic increases in childhood depression, suicide, and a host of self-destructive behaviors. Research has demonstrated that most students do not get nearly enough sleep, exercise, or time outside. Some have even asserted that the average prison inmate in America gets nearly twice as much time outside as the average child! Most Christian families scramble to get their child to school in the morning, only to pick them up from some activity in the afternoon and whisk them home to a rushed dinner not taken as a family, and a night of homework. At the same time Christian Schools have added more and more to the daily schedule of our students. Surveys show that it is commonplace for High School Juniors and Seniors to be the last person in the house to get to bed. Surveys of students confirm that they feel it is NECESSARY to cheat in order to fulfill the expectations placed on them by adults, with 85-90% of students admitting to some form of cheating. Yet, at the same time other countries such as Finland have been able to product better outcomes while still providing time for children to be . . . well . . . children!

In this webinar we explore the world of student stress, performance, health, and behavior and ask ourselves the question, “How much are our actions and assumptions as Christian Educators actually contributing to the problem, and is the life that we are thrusting onto our students actually reflective of the scriptures?” Put another way, “In what ways are our student schedules and expectations Christian?” COVID 19 is providing us with an opportunity to examine practice and make changes before we hopefully open again in the fall.


Cost: $10.00 for members; $30.00 for non-members

Purchase tickets here: https://christianschoolmanagement.org/product/the-revolution-webinar-giving-them-back-their-childhood-student-stress-and-unstructured-time/

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