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Enrollment Leaders are tasked with filling and keeping a school full of students. For many Christian Schools, we need to understand the tragedy of having a place empty. Each unfilled seat represents a student who is not surrounded by the love of God.  Here are just two ways in which we might think about enrollment leadership in your school.

Students and the Decision to Stay: Keeping a student is far cheaper and far more valuable than recruiting a new one. Keeping students allow you to continue their spiritual development, maintain class diversity, build on academic progress, sustain the excellence of your teams, sustain the social mix. CSM can help you interrogate reality:

  • Conversation #1: looking at the facts (what don’t we know?)
  • Conversation #2: considering the school’s program from its lowest to its highest grade (why should a child / stay?)
  • Conversation #3: considering the school’s message to families (why should a family stay?)
  • Conversation #4: considering the school’s excellence (does your school deliver the mission?)
  • Conversation $5: what have we learned? What are we going to do? How are we going to change?
  • Conversation #6: how is it going? How do we know?

Always as the result of any relationship with CSM are doable, believable, and affordable actions that will have impact and meaning.

Students and the Decision to Come: We know of very few Christian Schools where each class is optimally full. What stories do the enrollment data tell? What are parents looking for and how can they be engaged in the school’s story? CSM can help you think through the whole admission process from beginning to end identifying strengths and weaknesses in order to know where the greatest benefit can be gained from modifying or changing practice. In that context, we can help you understand how to engage the faculty in the process as your most powerful advocates. The admission process is not just the admission director’s job; it is the job of everyone in the school.

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