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We are eagerly seeking Christian leaders in all areas of leadership and teaching who, within the context of their current positions, would love to help Christian schools thrive by providing advice and counsel anywhere from two to twenty times a year. We need 100+ consultants to have the impact needed to reverse the decline in Christian education.

The following is our CSM Training Plan to ensure you are prepared for this work, that you know and can use the CSM 7 Principles, and that you are accountable for excellence.


CSM Consultant Qualification Plan

Phase One – Training

  • Attend CSM training session
  • Review and sign Consultant Charter
  • Study and review all CSM content – Principles, Entheos articles – and supporting documents (contract, evaluation)

Phase Two –Practicum

  • Review Role, Attributes, and Skills of CSM Consultants
    • Identify strengths and opportunities for improvement in consultation with ED
  • Accompany Executive Director or Level 3 CSM consultant on consulting job – Observe and work on analysis, recommendations, etc.
  • Accompany Executive Director or Level 3 CSM consultant on consulting job, take lead/be equal partner (once or twice)
    • Demonstrate understanding of role, attributes, and skills, including areas of improvement
  • Participate in performance review, and work on recommendations for improvement
  • Sign contract – conditional on completion of Phase Three

Phase Three – Independence

  • Conduct a consulting job – communicate with ED at all phases of job for advice and confirmation
  • Ensure Service Evaluation by third party
  • Upon receipt of favorable Evaluation, conduct a consulting job independently (includes mentoring/coaching new CSM consultants)

Phase Four – Full-fledged CSM consultant/Lead consultant (includes mentoring/coaching new CSM Consultants)

  • Contract finalized – renewable annually


Levels of Accomplishment:


  1. Completed Phase One training and document review
  2. Conducts one consulting job with ED/Level 3

Consultant Level 1

  1. Conducts one or more consulting jobs as partner with ED/Level 3
  2. Demonstrates capability and improvement in areas of consultant role, attributes, skills

Consultant Level 2

  1. Conducts consulting job independently in consultation with ED/Level 3
  2. Client evaluation of service is favorable

Consultant Level 3

  1. Authorized to work independently to CSM standards


Training sessions are held once a year in February/March in the Philadelphia area – 1.5 days. The CSM Consultants’ Retreat is held every November in Grand Rapids – 2.0 days. Applicants and Consultants pay their own travel. CSM pays board and lodging.

If you are eager to join us on this mission in service to children and glory to God, please contact Simon Jeynes, Executive Director.

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CONTACT US Fill in the form and we will be in contact as soon as possible to begin your CSM partnership. The future is now.
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