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What would it look like to have a 90 minute conversation every month with a seasoned Christian School leader? CSM Executive Coaching works across four dimensions: Imagine being able to share with a professional Christian colleague in powerful ways within a safe space! For example:

  • reflecting on what you have been doing
  • asking for advice and counsel on ways to improve leadership
  • sharing challenges and getting insight into their resolutions
  • praying about successes, and about failures
  • gaining the confidence that you are on the right track
  • finding resources that you were not aware of
  • testing your spiritual journey
  • laughing with someone who understands where you are
  • being less lonely in carrying out your responsibilities

Executive Leadership coaching has many benefits. Here is a possible list for you:

  • Spiritual gifting - understanding your vocation more deeply
  • Hard results – greater effectiveness, stronger results, higher enrollment and philanthropic receipts
  • Deeper learnings – leveraging your strengths, getting better at what you do
  • Faster action – execution with greater precision
  • Space to hear your own voice – affirmation and challenge
  • Awareness of perspectives, beliefs, and attitudes - these may be holding you back
  • Providing clarity and focus - what are the key issues to pay attention to?
  • Greater conviction - clarity on your values and how they intersect with the school's mission
  • Intentionality - not just doing, but doing with purpose and force
  • A collegial empathy - emotional support, empathy, and encouragement leaving you hopeful
  • Reality - the cold truth others won’t tell you
  • You become a coach too - gives you the skills and courage to coach your leadership team
  • Ambition - encourages God-sized goals

The cost is smaller than you think. Only .25 tuition for six 90 minute monthly sessions’ (.35 for a non-CSM member). Contact us if you think you would truly benefit from this life-changing process.


Leadership coaching has many benefits. Here is a possible list for you:

  • Hard results – greater productivity, faster promotions, bigger profits
  • Deeper learnings – leveraging your strengths
  • Faster action – advancing things faster and with greater precision
  • Space to hear your own voice – to talk something through and gain perspective
  • Awareness of perspectives, beliefs, and attitudes that may be holding you back
  • Providing clarity and focus on the key issues to pay attention to
  • Clarity on your values and what you stand for, which leads to greater conviction
  • Fosters intentional progress
  • Emotional support, empathy, and encouragement – feels less lonely
  • The cold truth others won’t tell you
  • Gives you the skills and courage to coach your leadership team
  • Encourages God-sized goals

The cost is smaller than you think. Only .25 tuition for a for 90 minute monthly sessions’ (.35 for a non-CSM member). Contact us if you think you would truly benefit from this life-changing process.

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