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Bill Simmer, also known as “Wild Bill,” for his entertaining presentation style, and no-nonsense approach to Christian Leadership, has been working with Private/Independent schools on both the secondary and post-secondary levels, for over 25 years. Bill has served as a faculty member, as well as in multiple administrative roles within schools. He has also been both a private school parent and student himself.  For the last 14 years Bill has been a consultant and workshop leader to private/independent schools around the nation. He has served schools in the areas of Admissions, Enrollment & Re-Enrollment, Faculty Culture/Performance/Evaluation/Induction, Academic Leadership, Parent Relations, Advisory Program Development, Board Governance, and Head Coaching & Support. Through his relationship with multiple educational associations around the nation Bill has had the joy of teaching over 180 workshops nationwide.

Bill worked in the secular business context through his 20’s, with a focus on marketing, fund raising, and operational leadership. As he approached his 30’s, God called him into ministry. Through his 30’s, Bill taught and worked as a Dean of Students/Director of Student Life at two Seminary’s, International College and Graduate School (Honolulu HI), and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (Wake Forest, NC). In both Seminaries, as in his secular work prior to this stage, he made significant progress toward professionalizing programs, attracting and retaining quality personnel, and insisting on a level of excellence that drove the mission and outcomes of the institutions he served.

In the process of trying to help his children’s Classical Christian School professionalize its Admission and Re-Recruitment efforts, Bill came to the conclusion that the K-12 Christian school was “where the action was.” He developed a growing desire to “reach them BEFORE they get to seminary” and to expand his ministry outside of the “seminary bubble.” His passion is to see spiritual formation programs move beyond chapel and some bible classes to true program integration that leads to genuine life transformation in the lives of Children. The end goal is to reach “the Head, the Hand, and the Heart” and to see children truly become a “co-laborer” and “friend” of God.

As a teacher, Bill’s background is in Theology, Philosophy, Western Thought, Rhetoric, and Logic. He created a Worldview curriculum for 8th/9th graders that was highly successful and well received (even loved) by his students. Bill has taught students of all ages, from Kindergarten to College. He has worked with both “gifted” as well as “at-risk” students, as well as both Seminarians and convicts in penal institutions. He has taught on both the graduate and undergraduate level.


Those that have worked with Bill will tell you that Christian schools “run through his veins.” His life mission is to “Empower school leaders to enhance the student experience in ways that transform children’s lives and empower the coming generation to see God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.”

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