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Academic Leadership is more complex, more difficult, more prone to stress and confusion, than ever before. Here are just two ways in which we might think about academic leadership in your school.

21st Century Learning and Teaching: what are academics in a rapidly changing educational environment where competition is getting fiercer and parents are becoming more demanding? Faculty are often confused by the student in their classroom. They can be equally intimidated by the parents of that child. While our schools think of ourselves as Christian communities, families are not necessarily choosing a Christian school for their children. Enrollments are under pressure. What is the responsibility of a faculty member? What is the responsibility of a faculty leader? What is the latest research about topics such as child development, scope and sequence, curriculum, use of time, child/student evaluation, faculty evaluation, programmatic distinctives, competition, faculty and enrollment, learning/teaching, change, student discipline and behavior, report cards, running meetings, and so on.

CSM can partner with you to identify key questions, meet pressing challenges, expand capacity, and believe in the future.

Outcomes might include:

  1. Intense understanding of the importance of the school’s mission
  2. Implications of the biblically based CSM Principles
  3. Focus on the centrality of the child’s / student’s experience
  4. Energizing the faculty culture towards a common goal
  5. Understanding of the blend of vision and realism that will take the school into the future
  6. Enriching the understanding of the academic leadership
  7. Inspiring hope for all participants
  8. Informing emerging practices that provide the breath for healthy schools

Christian Professional Learning Communities: professional learning communities are predicated on the idea that all children / students will learn, that faculty will collaborate as a matter of culture, that data will inform practice. A Christian PLC begins with the school’s mission as its center of action, recognizes the CSM Child Principle as a driver of action, and commits to success for every child / student within a faculty culture that collaborates, grows, and is accountable for its results.

CSM can partner with you to begin and/or extend your own educational koinonia, to consider a curriculum that exploits the gifts of geography, history, and culture that God has given your school, and make your conversation about “success” more profound and grounded.

Outcomes might include:

  1. Integration of the school’s mission in your educational practices
  2. Implications of the biblically based CSM Principles within your community
  3. Action plan to implement / deepen implementation of a Christian PLC
    1. Finding time
    2. Finding resources
    3. Developing guidelines
    4. Developing intended outcomes
    5. Plan for the coming year

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