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February 24, 2022 | 8:30-4:00 pm

Talking about race in today’s context is hard but necessary and Christian schools face unique challenges in this arena. NCAIS and Christian School Management have partnered to offer a day-long scripturally grounded Similarity Training based on the work of Third Option City and Miles McPherson. This training offers an alternative to the “Us vs. Them” culture.

We encourage NCAIS Christian schools to bring leaders that will equip your school with the tools to develop racial unity by nurturing loving relationships.

Presented byDaniel Simon – CSM Consultant, Third Option Trainer, Maxwell Leadership Coach
Target Audience: Heads, diversity directors, academic leaders, and other members of school leadership teams.
Cost: $100/pp 
Location: The Farlow Center at Wesleyan Christian Academy, High Point NC 

Click HERE to read more specific information regarding this training.

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